Saturday, 15 April 2017

We had a great time at Disneyland and the weather was fabulous.  I enjoyed seeking out the beautiful spots.......the park itself is so attractive but my guess is, most people miss it!  Of course the rides and attractions are amazing but my favourite remains....Its A Small a few pics here!!   I could sit in that little boat cruising around the 'World"all day.  I did go on it three times (how sad is that!!) Anyway, we finally got home,  after having to sit and wait on the plane whilst they fixed a fault!!  Slightly nerve-wracking - but we made it. Its always good to get home, and today Ive been back at the loom and finished another scarf.  Ive also been working on the paperback edition of Fibrefrenzi Artweave.  I'm so excited to actually get my hands on it!   Spring is now well and truly here and it is a daily joy to be outside, hearing the birdsong and breathing in the sunlight.....have a good week everyone and Happy Easter x


  1. I'm glad you enjoyed your trip and got back safely Alison. Very unsettling to sit there while they repaired the plane.

  2. The greenery looks very lush

  3. Happy to read you enjoyed your trip away. What stunning colour in your photographs taken from A Small World. That's good that there's going to be a paperback version of your book. Reading online is OK but nothing beats having a book in your hand.
