Sunday, 19 June 2016

It seems ages since I last posted on my blog....but I have been travelling!  Had a good week in Italy, although sadly very little sun.  But it was really good to be with friends and chill out.  In fact I did very little except laze, eat and drink!!  Now back to the beach and home.  I have just finished this woven piece which has in fact been bought as a wallhanging.....(I take this as a compliment...)  I am now almost ready for the Creative Fibre workshops which start this week.  My loom is being warped up for students to have a go on - so I am loomsless.  Not for long however....I have finally persuaded myself that I need a second (slightly larger) loom which can live in my art hut for a lot of the time.  I am ordering it tomorrow....yipee!>  I have decided to save for a new, larger shed next year.  It means finding new home for bikes etc. but where there's a will, there's a way! By the way, I heard this week that one of my woven coats has been selected to go into a National weaving exhibition....can't believe it..... very excited!!


  1. Congratulations on having your woven coat in the National Exhibition!
    Now your mosaic table and chair look very, very inviting especially with a mug of tea or coffee sitting there! I have now suggested that one of my windows in the studio could be replaced by a door with a flagged area outside hidden from the world by our camellia hedge - a perfect spot for that tea break - thanks for the inspiration. Lovely weaving again Alison.

  2. Oooh how exciting! Congratulations
