Tuesday, 28 June 2016

I thought I would share these photos of two days of fibre workshops that I ran this week.  We all had such a good time, and it was great to see people learning new skills, and indeed, to make new like-minded friends.  As you can see, afternoon tea (served in bone china cups!), with home made cake was an extremely important part of our day.  These were 'taster' days and students were given the opportunity, first of all to have a go at art journalling, and then to look at raw fleece (alpacas were leaping around the grounds!), do dyeing, spinning, weaving and felting.  I think I sent some people away with swirling brains....but no one was bored that's for sure!! By the way I have now , finally, got my larger loom .  It was obviously meant to be - not only did I receive a totally unexpected cheque in the post for the exact amount - but an hour after ordering it, my friend posted that she had exactly what I wanted for sale at greatly reduced price.  I hastily cancelled my original order and am now the proud owner of loom no. 2. I have just started a new jacket and will post pictures next week.  x

Sunday, 19 June 2016

It seems ages since I last posted on my blog....but I have been travelling!  Had a good week in Italy, although sadly very little sun.  But it was really good to be with friends and chill out.  In fact I did very little except laze, eat and drink!!  Now back to the beach and home.  I have just finished this woven piece which has in fact been bought as a wallhanging.....(I take this as a compliment...)  I am now almost ready for the Creative Fibre workshops which start this week.  My loom is being warped up for students to have a go on - so I am loomsless.  Not for long however....I have finally persuaded myself that I need a second (slightly larger) loom which can live in my art hut for a lot of the time.  I am ordering it tomorrow....yipee!>  I have decided to save for a new, larger shed next year.  It means finding new home for bikes etc. but where there's a will, there's a way! By the way, I heard this week that one of my woven coats has been selected to go into a National weaving exhibition....can't believe it..... very excited!!

Sunday, 5 June 2016

Summer seems to have arrived at last, so a lot of outside spinning....I haven't yet taken my loom into the garden.....see how the weather goes!!  My plan is, to save for a new, larger art shed.  I could then get a second (larger) loom and leave it in said workshop.  At the moment it is upstairs and rather an effort to keep on moving it.  As you can see, I am still weaving (another scarf) but my thoughts are on planning the next jacket.  Yesterday I went in to Brighton and bought some indian cotton fabric for the lining (and I haven't even started weaving yet!!) Talking about the weather, I am jetting off to Italy this week to stay with my friend  (we have been close for nearly 40 years and shared many ups and down in life!!) and the temp. is forecast to be 30 degrees.......yaayy!!! By the way, the other pics are of a workshop that I led during the week.  An enjoyable time was had by all x