Sunday, 28 August 2016

Im sorry I haven't blogged for weeks.  Yet again I had problems with my phone, but I am now happily settled with a new i-phone - which I love.  I really like the way it takes photos, so fingers crossed.......I should now be back to regular blogging.  Today I have put on a selection of latest weavings plus a couple of inspirational pictures.  I know you have seen my little art hut before, but I couldn't resist showing you yet another view of it.  I have spent lots of hours in it this summer - although some of the days have been too hot!! (very rare in the UK).  I have recently finished weaving another jacket but have yet to make it up.  This is going to be somewhat of a challenge - but I'll do my best.  The woven scarves seem to leap off the loom!! In fact, I seem to sell them before they are even finished.  I'm not complaining gives me such a buzz to know that people like what Im making - and it always motivates me to make more.....This week I am embarking on a year long monthly course called 'Creative Development'. This will be an opportunity for me to indulge myself and push myself further into weave!!!!!! Have a good week.

Monday, 1 August 2016

Here's a selection of summery ongoing weaving...a page from my art journal...dyeing....and summer scenes including yours truly enjoying a fine summer evening.  Having said that, I am at this precise moment sitting inside listening to the rain.  Oh well, good for the flowers!   As you can see, my little art hut is being put to good use....I don't do as many entries in this blog nowadays, I put a lot on to Facebook, so if you're interested to follow my daily musings, just search my name Alison Crosthwaite.  Have a good week x